An Invocation represents a UCAN that can be presented to a service provider to invoke or "exercise" a Capability. You can think of invocations as a serialized function call, where the ability or can portion of the Capability acts as the function name, and the resource (with) and caveats (nb) of the capability act as function arguments.

Most Invocations will require valid proofs, which consist of a chain of Delegations. The service provider will inspect the proofs to verify that the invocation has sufficient privileges to execute.

Type Parameters



asCID: Link<[C], MulticodecCode<number, string>, SigAlg>
audience: Principal<`did:${string}:${string}`>
blocks: Map<string, Block<unknown, number, number, 1>>

Map of all the IPLD blocks that were included with this delegation DAG. Usually this would be blocks corresponding to proofs, however it may also contain other blocks e.g. things that capabilities or facts may link. It is not guaranteed to include all the blocks of this DAG, as it represents a partial DAG of the delegation desired for transporting.

Also note that map may contain blocks that are not part of this delegation DAG. That is because Delegation is usually constructed as view / selection over the CAR which may contain bunch of other blocks.

bytes: ByteView<UCAN<[C]>>
capabilities: [C]
cid: Link<[C], MulticodecCode<number, string>, SigAlg>
data: View<[C]>
expiration?: number
facts: Fact[]
issuer: Principal<`did:${string}:${string}`>
nonce?: string
notBefore?: number
proofs: Proof<Capabilities>[]
root: UCANBlock<[C], MulticodecCode<number, string>, SigAlg>


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