A UCANOptions instance that include options for delegating capabilities.

Type Parameters



audience: Principal<`did:${string}:${string}`>

The audience for a Delegation is the party being delegated to, or the Principal which will invoke the delegated Capabilities on behalf of the issuer.

capabilities: [C]

The set of Capabilities being delegated.

expiration?: number
facts?: Fact[]
issuer: Signer<`did:${string}:${string}`, SigAlg>

The issuer of a Delegation is the delegating party, or the Principal that has some capabilities that they wish to delegate the audience Principal.

lifetimeInSeconds?: number
nonce?: string
notBefore?: number
proofs: Proof<Capabilities>[]

If the issuer of this Delegation is not the resource owner / service provider, for the delegated capabilities, the proofs array must contain valid Proofs containing delegations to the issuer.

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