Interface Signer<ID, SigAlg>

Entity that can sign UCANs with keys from a Principal using the signing algorithm A

Type Parameters



signatureAlgorithm: string

Name of the signature algorithm. It is a human readable equivalent of the signatureCode, however it is also used as last segment in Nonstandard Signatures, which is used as an alg field of JWT header when UCANs are serialized to JWT.

signatureCode: SigAlg

Integer corresponding to the byteprefix of the Crypto.SigAlg. It is used to tag signature so it can self describe what algorithm was used.


  • Returns ID

  • Type Parameters

    • T

      Source data before it was byte encoding into payload.

      Takes byte encoded payload and produces a verifiable signature.


    Returns Await<Signature<T, SigAlg>>

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