claim: TheCapabilityParser<DerivedMatch<{
    can: "voucher/claim";
    nb: InferCaveats<{
        identity: "/home/runner/work/w3up-client/w3up-client/node_modules/@ucanto/validator/dist/src/schema";
        product: "/home/runner/work/w3up-client/w3up-client/node_modules/@ucanto/validator/dist/src/schema";
        service: "/home/runner/work/w3up-client/w3up-client/node_modules/@ucanto/validator/dist/src/schema";
    with: URI<"did:">;
}, CapabilityMatch<"*", URI<"did:">, {}> | DerivedMatch<{
    can: "voucher/*";
    nb?: InferCaveats<{}>;
    with: URI<"did:">;
}, CapabilityMatch<"*", URI<"did:">, {}>>>>

Capability can be invoked by an agent to claim a voucher for a specific user identifier (currently email address).

The agent MAY issue claim with own DID or a DID it is delegate of. If with is different from iss, it is implied that the voucher is claimed for the DID in the with field. If with is same as iss it is implies that voucher is claimed for an unspecified did.

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